How It Works

Step 1: Personalized Consultation

We begin with a focused consultation to understand the specific needs of your property, whether it’s a home or a business.


Step 2: Canine Detection

Our expertly trained canines, guided by experienced handlers, perform a thorough and non-invasive inspection. Their advanced ability to detect bed bugs ensures reliable results.  To ensure the most accurate results, we ask that you prepare for your inspection by following instructions located here.


Step 3: Informative Feedback

After the inspection, we provide clear feedback on the presence of bed bugs. Our service is independent and unbiased, ensuring you receive trustworthy information.


Step 4: Support and Guidance

We offer advice on bed bug prevention and signs to look out for, helping you stay vigilant against future infestations.


Why Choose Us?

  • Specialized Expertise: Our focus is solely on detecting bed bugs using highly trained canines.
  • Honest and Independent: We provide unbiased information, allowing you to choose the best course of action.
  • Customer-Centric Approach: We tailor our services to meet your specific needs, ensuring peace of mind.


Contact Us

Schedule a canine bed bug inspection or learn more by contacting us at At Potomac Working Dogs, we’re dedicated to helping you maintain a bed bug-free environment